"Underneath the butterfly gardens,
Here I have buried all of my past.
But the lost will come to remember
The sun will not cast its light.
And the stars will fall around us,
And the embers cast from our eyes.
Binding us both to the end of all things
And the coming of the light."

Welcome!- This blog is 21+ and I will not roleplay with anyone aged under 18 (after all, the source material is also meant for adults). There will be NSFW themes.- I'm sorry, but I do not want to interact if you roleplay a Harry Potter muse. You might be sensitive to the issues, but you are still spreading its author's influence.- There will be heavy themes (death, grief, violence, etc) though nothing too unusual for Baldur's Gate III players. Be aware that Ashen suffers from PTSD due to his combat experience.- My character is far from flawless; his opinions are not mine. This is just roleplaying. If something makes you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to chat about it with me.- I will not tolerate roleplayers who display any kind of bigotry, full stop.- Please do not godmod unless you're roleplaying Helm :)- I have ADHD and my motivation for writing replies comes and goes, it will unfortunately be inconsistent.- I will never pressure you for replies. You could reply in 15 minutes or a year, I don't mind. I might occasionally PM you to make sure you still have X or Y thread in mind but I'm not even sure about that frankly.

- I will never pressure you for replies. You could reply in 15 minutes or a year, I don't mind. I might occasionally PM you to make sure you still have X or Y thread in mind but I'm not even sure about that frankly.- I have affiliates/mains (writers and characters I vibe with extremely well and might get priority responses) but I don't do exclusives; I love to roleplay with a wide range of people.- English is not my first language, please forgive the occasional odd phrasing.- Though my canon ship with Ashen is with illithilit's Sire Amis, I am open to any shipping; let's chat about it!- If we are mutuals, you can always send me prompts, asks, etc even if we haven't interacted before. That includes NSFW prompts though they will be considered non-canon by default unless we have chatted about it.- My posts are not formatted much beyond smaller writing, I prefer them to be accessible (and to be fair I'm not really good at graphic design lol)_______I am Firmin, aged 23 and use he/him pronouns. I work a full-time job. I am not actually religious.I'd love chatting with you even if we are not roleplaying!

Descent into AvernusSet a few years before Baldur's Gate III. Trapped fighting in Avernus after the fall of Elturel, Ashen, a cavalryman in the Hellriders, now realises there is no hope of winning the battle anymore. He must escape with the other Elturian refugees before the Material Plane forever closes on them, condemning him to death or servitude within Zariel's ranks.Baldur's Gate IIISeized on his way to officiate at Stormshore Tabernacle on Gortash's orders, Ashen was introduced to a tadpole and memory-wiped in the hopes to make him instrumental in converting Baldurians to the cult of the Absolute later. For now, the parasite lies dormant and the cleric keeps up his duties. He might meet the Nautiloid survivors, but was tadpoled prior to the crash and is not aware of the parasite's presence.Chosen of HelmSet a few years after Baldur's Gate III. Vlaakith, queen of the Githyanki, has become a threat to the balance of the world in her quest for divinity. The god Helm has tasked Ashen and his Githyanki husband, Sir Amis, former Hellknight turned paladin of Helm, with stopping her through any means necessary.

(On Flaming Fist duty).
Enforcer Helmet
Flame Enamelled Armour
Metallic Gloves
Helmite Shield
Metallic Boots
Weaponry:Helmite Longsword
Heavy Crossbow

(On Helmite duties).
Splint Armour
Luminous Gloves
Flaming Fist Shield
Boots of Striding
Vivacious Cloak
Weaponry:Devotee's Mace
Harold Crossbow

Helm's clerics, by tradition, wear a full-plate armour, an open-faced helmet (sometimes decorated by a plume) and a grey cloak. The devotee's mace is a gift granted by Helm, and the Flaming Fist shield the sign of Ashen's affiliation to this unit.

Languages: Common, Infernal, Celestial, basic DraconicAlignment: Lawful good. Prior to becoming a cleric, chaotic good.Orientation: Pansexual, panromantic

Birthplace / Current residence: Elturel / Baldur's GateEducation: Military training, theological studiesCurrent occupation: Chaplain to the Flaming Fist

Likes: Principled people. Peacetime. Looking towards the skies.Alcohol: Yes

Dislikes: Heat, which reminds him of Avernus. The Dark Gods. Devils. Demons too, but especially devils.Tobacco: No

Pets: (Formerly) High Rider, brown military horse
Myshka, white long-haired cat

Mental health: PTSD, major depression, survivor's guilt disorder

The songs correspond to a specific event or mindset in Ashen's life.
They are ordered by chronological order of his story.

I. 'Hymn Before Action', Karl JenkinsThe assault on Elturel by Zariel's troops have begun and the Hellriders stride out to defend it in religious fervour. It is Ashen's first deployment in actual warfare.II.'Want To Be Free', Sea PowerAny excitement about finally putting his training to use has disappeared. The assault has been lasting for months and Ashen is wearing out.III. 'Take a Bow', MuseThe Fall of Elturel. The city sinks into Avernus, seeming eternally damned. The sacrificed Elturians find out that this was the doing of corrupted politicians who sold out to Zariel. Ashen grows disillusioned with his patriotism.IV. 'Cliffs of Gallipoli', SabatonWith the addition of the infernal hordes of Avernus, the Hellriders are thinning out and hopes for victory are fading. Ashen and his partner, Rheighar, are among the last stubborn defenders of the city.V. 'Apocalypse Please', MuseAshen prays for a miracle that either brings them victory or sees them out of Avernus safely, but there is no sign from the gods.VI. 'Elegy for Dunkirk', Dario MarianelliEverywhere they go, the Hellriders practice the 'scorched earth' policy. There is not much left of Elturel; they seem to merely fight for the idea of it, and to bring the last surviving refugees to safety.VII. 'Let You Down', Dawid PodsiadłoRheighar, Ashen's romantic and military partner, is killed while protecting Ashen from a cambion's attack. He will feel responsible for his death until the end of his life.VIII. 'Now The Guns Have Stopped', Karl JenkinsAshen drags Rheighar's corpse through Avernus to give him a proper burial in Elturel's cemetery, sustaining permanent burns in the process. He then decides to desert the Hellriders, at the risk of invoking Helm's eternal wrath for breaking his oath, considering the war to be lost anyway.

IX. 'The Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns', Sea PowerAshen moves to Baldur's Gate after his desertion. Feeling estranged from the rest of society, which does not understand his trauma nor cares to, he refuses to reintegrate it, made nonverbal for months.X. 'Soldier's Poem', MuseUpon entering a Helmite monastery for his recovery, Ashen prays to the god for forgiveness but also questioning Him as to what he had done to deserve losing all the reasons he was living for.XI. 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again', Andrew Lloyd WebberRheighar, with more experence in life, had no illusions of patriotism. He had always been there to support Ashen, who is convinced he would have answers for him, were he still alive.XII. 'Ship in a Bottle', Steffan ArgusAshen is finally ready to become a cleric at Helm's temple, having partially recovered. However, he finds it difficult to reconciliate with a normal life, and the growing importance of his position is hard to mix with the Baldurian scorn against Elturian refugees.XIII. 'The Mourning Tree', Jessica Curry
XIV. 'The Weeping Dawn', Borislav Slavov
Life goes on but grief never completely disappears; the shadow of his lover's loss looms over everything the now chaplain does.XV. 'Homeward Bound', Marta KeenAshen finds peace in one tenet of the Helmite religion; all that are worthy find everlasting life in Everwatch, the Great Guardian's realm. Should He be willing to let them in, all those who were lost to war will live again; and at the end of all things, he shall meet them again.XVI. 'The End of All Things', Jessica CurryUnderneath the butterfly gardens,
Here I have buried of all my past.
But the lost will come to remember
The sun will not cast its light.
And the stars will fall around us,
And the embers cast from our eyes.
Binding us both to the end of all things,
And the coming of the light.